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204 kV vacuum circuit breaker (VCB)

Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB)Tank Type Vacuum Circuit Breaker (SF6 Gas Insulation)

Environmentally-friendly and excellent anti-seismic performance circuit breaker
We released world-first 204 kV rated models in 2012.

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Product Features

'Because a vacuum interrupter (VI) is used in the breaking part, it has an excellent breaking performance and there is no gas decomposition by current breaking. A bushing current transformer (BCT) can be built into the tank. This reduces the footprint space. It does not require the inspection of the breaking part by opening. It can realize the maintenance cost saving. It also reduced the required SF6 gas amount down to about 1/3 compared with that of gas circuit breaker (GCB).

  • Excellent breaking performance through vacuum insulation of the breaking part
  • Smaller footprint space by the adoption of built-in bushing CT (BCT)
  • It can save the maintenance cost since it does not require the inspection of breaking part by opening.
  • It can realize the life-cycle cost (LCC) reduction by approx. 40% compared with that of GCB
  • Excellent anti-seismic performance due to the low center of gravity
  • Environment-friendly type. It could reduce the the SF6 gas amount compared with that of GCB

Applications and Solutions

  • 120/168/204 kV JEC-2300 Standard-compliant

BCT application table (applicable to 120 kV)

BCT application table (applicable to 120 kV)(PDF:626KB)

  • * Please make an Internet inquiry for the 204/168 kV model specifications.

Life-cycle costs

Life-cycle costs(PDF:673KB)

Enquiries about this product
[Extension No.3803]


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