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About MeidenQuality Policy

We, MEIDEN SINGAPORE (MSL), place great importance on meeting the highest standards of quality, professionalism, and efficiency in our products and services to ensure that our clients' requirements are fully satisfied. Our objective is to achieve efficiency, maintain a strong customer focus, and enhance the long-term sustainability and profitability of MSL. We are committed to demonstrating our passion for manufacturing excellence and continually exceeding the expectations of our customers and society.

Each member of Meiden Singapore shall fully aware that our product and service carry the social responsibility, and recognize the importance of improving the quality of each and everyone’s business process:

•Will show commitment, and bear the responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating, and maintaining the ISO Quality Management System (QMS).
•Undertakes to ensure through communication, engagement, practical example and training that Quality is the aim of all MSL employees.

Through direction and support, all employees will have a proper understanding of the importance of the ISO QMS function, their responsibility to contribute to its effectiveness and its direct relevance to the success of the company. Equally, every employee is responsible for, and will be trained to perform the duties required by his or her specific role.

Continual Improvement
MSL strives to promote continual improvement and setting of quality objectives of each division in line with the framework laid down within ISO 9001:2015 Standard. Promote quality improvement activities to improve quality and service, improve operation, and lead to customer satisfaction (CS) improvement, and implement sustainable management

The ISO QMS and its objective will be monitored, measured, evaluated, and enhanced regularly under the everyone’s responsibility, with regular reporting and communication of the status and effectiveness at all levels

Promote the Zero-Defect Campaign Program. Perform the reality check on each job in the perspective of the quality gate: “No Defective Incoming Unit”, “No Defective Unit Made Here”, and “No Defective Unit Shall Leave Here”

These Rules shall come into force on 24 / 04 / 2023.
Kon Shinichiro
Managing Director
Meiden Singapore Pte Ltd

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