Corporate Philosophy Vision and Code of Conduct

Corporate philosophy

The Meiden Group’s Corporate Philosophy expresses the Group’s dedication to helping solve client issues and ensuring client satisfaction by providing high-quality products, services and solutions. We want to use these business activities as a way to actively help solve global environmental problems and other issues of public concern, helping create a world of greater abundance in future. To achieve these aims, we will need to continue taking on challenging ventures. These concepts are explored in our Corporate Philosophy.

Meidensha was founded by Hosui Shigemune as an urban workshop providing electrical machinery manufacturing and repair services. Our founder’s ambitions have been kept alive since our founding. They have evolved along with the changing times, becoming the shared values that form the basis of all our business activities. Our Corporate Philosophy has guided the Meiden Group’s growth through the years as the world has matured. We are dedicated to becoming a company that plays an essential role in the world, continuing to take on the challenges of creating new technologies and value.

Corporate philosophy Form and vision to achieve Values to uphold

Meiden Group Corporate Philosophy (MISSION)

Illuminating a more affluent tomorrow / For customer peace of mind and satisfactionIlluminating a more affluent tomorrow / For customer peace of mind and satisfaction

Form and vision to achieve (VISION)

A sustainability partner that creates personal happiness and a sustainable global environment

Values to uphold (values shared by employees)

・Sustainability ・Diversity ・Integrity and responsibility ・Future-orientation

Corporate slogan

‘Quality connecting the next’ is the corporate slogan Meidensha uses to bring together all the ideas of our Corporate Philosophy into a single phrase.

Quality connecting the next
People and Technology → “Quality”

Meidensha’s concept of quality encompasses product and service quality, as well as the people and technology underpinning this quality. It means harnessing the integrity and flexibility of our employees to build stronger ties with clients around the world. It means bringing value to the world by providing it with unique products and reliable services created from our technical expertise and aligned with the needs of the times and the market. When two become one, a new connection is created. This observation is as true for connections between Meidensha and clients as it is for connections between individuals and the community as a whole. Meidensha’s growing network of connections and the strengths we have acquired over the years will fuel the energy of the next generation.

We are building client confidence and satisfaction while making a positive contribution to the all-important lives of end users. The Meiden Group’s quality is leading the way to a future of greater abundance. Quality and connections lie at the core of our unchanging mission.



In order to realize our Group Corporate Philosophy, we must identify the direction for each individual employee to aim towards and provide signposts to help them proceed without losing their way. To enable us to do so, we have made these five actions our watchwords. The actions are mutually linked, with one action calling forth the next, creating a cycle of action and growth. Based on this image, we call this the Meiden Cycle.

By sharing and practicing the Meiden Cycle as the ethos underlying our actions, we seek to maximize the growth cycle for each of our employees. And at the same time, this means that the Meiden Group continues to grow sustainably, looking towards the realization of the Group Corporate Philosophy.

I keep on doing. Act now and keep going

Corporate Code of Conduct

1. Toward the Realization of a Sustainable Society

We actively embrace the challenges of creating new value and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through honesty to our planet, society, and people, as well as “the power of co-creation.”

2. Sincere and Fair Business Activities

We respect each individual and their fundamental human rights, and do not discriminate against any person because of their nationality, ethnic background, beliefs, gender, social class, or any other factors.

3. Respect for Human Rights

We understand and support various international human rights norms and respect the human rights of all people by complying with the legal regulations of each country and region.

4. Realization of a Working Environment Enabling Employees to Reach Their Full Potential

We support the growth of employees and promote the cultivation of a workplace where diverse personnel can play an active role.

5. Environmental Conservation

To realize a sustainable society, we will deal with issues such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, resource circulation, and biodiversity conservation. We will work on sustainability management and strive for corporate development.

6. Cooperation with and Contribution to Society

As a member of the international community, moreover as a member of local communities, we maintain a global perspective of respecting local cultures and customs and develop business activities while striving for cooperation and harmony in each region.

7. Information Management

We protect all information assets handled in business activities from threats such as disasters, accidents, crimes, and negligence.

8. Appropriate Disclosure of Information

We disclose our corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner according to the rules of legal regulations and other similar guidelines.

9. Risk Management

We identify and evaluate all risks associated with business activities and establish company-wide, cross-sectional systems for appropriately controlling these.

10. Responsibility of Top Management

Top management recognizes the realization of this Code of Conduct’s intention to be its own responsibility.
They make every effort to establish a governance of effectiveness within the Company and Group, as well as to operate business in accordance with this Code of Conduct.