Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Frequently asked questions about Industrial controllers

Industrial controllers

QDo you have a lending unit for evaluation?

It is available in Japan. The lending period is up to one month.

QCan you export the units?

We don't export them directly. Our products are installed in various systems of other suppliers and such systems are being exported.

QCan you issue a parameter sheet?

Yes, we can. We will issue a parameter sheet if you fill out a Internet inquiry (parameter sheet request) form.

QThe main body is not coated. Why?

Contamination due to peeling of the coating becomes a problem in the industry of semiconductor manufacturing systems, etc. Under such industry, cleanliness is vital for the system. As such, we only provide plating and we don't do the coating on the unit.

QPlease tell us the size of the modules that can be mounted in the extension slot.

Short-sized modules can be mounted in the extension slot. Three modules having a full length of 18.8 cm or less can be mounted.

QWhat is the DVI-29 connector of the graphics interface?

The DVI-29 (formally, DVI-I29) is one of the standards of the DVI connector, with analog RGB output and digital (DVI) output mounted to one connector. We have a cable that branches the analog RGB and the DVI-24 from the DVI-29, and the analog RGB display and the DVI display can be simultaneously connected (simultaneously displayed).

QIs the unit RoHS compliant?

Product shipped after fiscal 2007 are all RoHS compliant.

QDo you wish to avoid the shutdown of the system by RAS?

Whether or not to perform shutdown and the monitoring conditions can be set for each monitoring condition of RAS by the RAS setting utility. Please refer to the RAS user's manual for details.